

Key Machine

1–40 of 56 products
1–40 of 56 products

Key machines are essential tools in the world of locksmithing. These precision devices craft keys for various applications, from residential and commercial locks to automotive security systems.
Key machines are simple: A locksmith or operator places a blank key into the machine's clamping mechanism, ensuring the key is locked firmly in place. Then, a key code or template is selected, which guides the device in determining the precise depth and spacing of the cuts required. The cutting mechanism, often motor-driven, is then activated, accurately carving notches and grooves onto the key's surface, replicating the templated pattern. The result is either a key duplicate or a new key specific to a particular lock or security system.
While locksmiths usually use key-cutting machines, homeowners and security professionals might also find them useful for convenience and added security. Automotive shops and businesses with fleets of vehicles may also use key-cutting machines to manage access efficiently.

Types of Key Machines


Manual Key Cutting Machines

These machines require skilled operators to manually cut keys by turning a hand crank or using a lever to control the cutting process. Manual machines are used mainly for basic key duplication and are a cost-effective choice for small businesses.

Semi-Automatic Key Cutting Machines

Semi-automatic machines combine manual control with automated cutting, simplifying the key-cutting process with a motorized cutter while still requiring some manual operation. Operators manually input key specifications and activate the cutting process, and then the machine performs the cuts.

Automatic Key Cutting Machines

Automatic key-cutting machines perform tasks with minimal operator involvement, making key duplication faster and more accurate. With automatic key-cutting machines, the only work the operator has to do is to input the key-cutting data, and the machine does the rest. These machines are suitable for high-volume operations and are often employed by professional locksmiths.

Laser Key Cutting Machines

For laser key-cutting machines, laser technology is employed to precisely cut keys with intricate designs, such as high-security and automotive transponder keys. Laser machines offer unparalleled precision and are crucial for modern key systems.

Tubular Key Cutting Machines

Designed explicitly for tubular or barrel keys, tubular key-cutting machines are standard in settings where these unique keys are used, such as opening vending machines and coin-operated devices.

Punch Machines

Punch key-cutting machines are a type of key-cutting device used to create keys by punching out notches and grooves into a metal key blank. These machines are typically manual in operation and are suitable for producing basic, low-security keys that have a simple design.

Key Code Cutting Machines

Key code-cutting machines create precise copies using predetermined key codes or digital templates. This method is commonly used when the original key is unavailable or worn.

Key Duplicating Machines

Key duplicators specialize in copying existing keys, ensuring the replication matches the original precisely. These are common in locksmith shops and hardware stores.
Our Top Picks for Key-Cutting Machines
  • Manual Code-Cutter: Blue Punch — Schlage Classic (Pro-Lok):

The Blue Punch™ Key Machine is a manual key-cutting machine designed for producing factory original keys. Despite being hand-operated, the machine is fast, accurate, and easy to use. Portable and dependable, we recommend this manual cutter for small commercial locksmith businesses, hotels, housing complexes, schools, and other institutions. 

The ultimate automatic key cutting machine, Ilco's Futura Pro is unique in combining two cutting stations into one user-friendly device. Thanks to the software-guided procedures, even inexperienced or novice key cutters will find key cutting as easy as pressing a few buttons. The advanced features of this automatic key cutter make this machine suitable for security professionals who require perfection in key-cutting standards. However, the device's lightweight build and compact design would also be ideal for professional locksmiths offering quick roadside services. 

The Silca Duo Plus is a dual-carriage key duplicating machine that can cut a wider variety of keys than your standard manual duplicator. Able to cut cylinder, vehicle, and cruciform keys as well as bit, double-bit, flat style (safe, safety deposit, mailbox), and special keys such as Abus® and Abloy® type keys, this manual duplicator is the perfect investment for any professional locksmithing or key duplicating business.
One of the most affordable key duplicators out on the market, the Condor XC-009 Semi-Automatic Key Duplicator is our recommended pick for small or early-stage locksmithing or key duplication businesses. Small and lightweight, the machine doesn't take up too much table space and comes with adjustable guides to ensure high-precision key duplication. Though battery-operated, the machine's 2500mAh battery capacity can cut 60 to 100 keys on a single charge, keeping the device portable and ready to operate.
Where to Buy Key Machines
In professional locksmithing or security businesses, key-cutting machines are relied on heavily. Thus, when purchasing your key machine, finding a reliable and reputable seller is crucial to finding a quality-made, dependable, and durable machine.
American Key Supply is a well-established name in the locksmithing industry, committed to supplying customers with the highest quality products at competitive prices. Whether you're just starting in the locksmithing business, upgrading your equipment, or seeking a dependable source for locksmithing needs, American Key Supply is the go-to choice. Shop our key-cutting machines today!

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